I decided to make something for Zeke, my bestfriend. Zeke is 7 years old, and getting his "orange" belt in Teakwondo this saturday. It's a big deal for him. I am going to go and watch, I can't wait, I think it will be very entertaining. anywho. I wanted to make him a gift for this special day. This cuff will probably be WAY to big and bulky for his little wrist....but maybe one day he'll grow into it, or his pops can steal it! I figured for now, it'd be good play gear for my young warrior friend.
heres how I made it:
Pretty basic. cut some straps, using my new round knife. punched some holes. stiched on the buckles and dyed it. I like to use this antique dye, it shows all the imperfections in the grain, which turns out lookin cool. I also "burnish" the edges using this "tar" substance. You just wet the edge with the tar, then rub something over it rapidly. the friction causes the tar to harden and it makes a nice smooth edge.
Way to go Bud.
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